News / Riders

  Bedford’s Etnies EditJosh Bedford broke his foot while filming for this and has been off the bike for a couple months now. He should be back in action soon. In the mean time, here’s a friendly reminder of his shred factor. Brought to you by Etnies. Filmed by Joe/Dan Cox edited by Joe Cox.
  Reeve’s Lotek EditOur team’s been blowing up the internet lately. First Dave Thompson’s Verde Edit and now Garrett Reeve’s Lotek Edit.
  Thompson’s Verde EditDave Thompson does it again with an incredible new video segment from Verde. Banger after banger, this edit is full of wild moves.
  WALLPAPER: Van HomanHere’s our latest print ad with Van Homan spreading his wings and letting it fly. Photo by Andrew White.
  WALLPAPER: Mike TaylorShot during the filming of Mike’s March 2011 Broadcast. Photo by Jeff Zielinski.
  Floyd / CultOur flow team representative over in Arizona just dropped this edit and it’s full of heat; both trick and temperature wise. It’s hot there!
  WALLPAPER: Garrett ReevesPhoto by Jeff Zielinski.
  WALLPAPER: Josh BedfordHere’s a new download for your monitor. Click HERE to get it! Photo by Walter Pieringer.
  Mike Taylor GoPro TestHere’s Mike Taylor testing out his GoPro. Any guesses on if that was a decade or a whip?
  Van Homan @ Texas Toast JamVan Homan is in Austin at Odyssey’s Texas Toast Jam competing in just about every single event they have going on. Here he is working his way through the Gauntlet of Death. He hasn’t quite made it all the way through yet but he’s putting in work and trying to conquer that beast.
  Props Issue 78Props #78 is on its way and our crew has a rather hefty section in it. Watch the trailer above and grab a copy if you can!
  Van Homan @ The BakeryVan Homan’s Baker Dozen is up over at The Bakery. The man delivers and does not disappoint.